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IFSC ascends to Chamonix

July 4, 2023

The second leg of Toyo Tires European partnership with the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) will take place in the picturesque mountain resort of Chamonix this weekend.
High in the French Alps, the event, the 9th round of the Climbing World Cup, will see athletes compete for both the Speed and Lead titles. Saturday will see the culmination of the Speed discipline while the Lead climbing finals are on Sunday.

In the shadow of the highest mountain in Europe, Mont Blanc, athletes will battle each other in the speed challenge. Two athletes, climbing side by side, in a race to the top. 15 metres of vertical climb standing between the athlete and success.

On Sunday, climbers move to the Lead. Discipline, where they tackle an overhanging route, aiming to get as high as possible in the Lead competition. With just six minutes to complete their climb, there is an element of speed needed in this event also, although they are not racing another competitor. The athlete reaching the highest point takes the crown.

Toyo Tires has partnered with the IFSC in this exciting sport in 2023 and branding will be visible throughout the course. Toyo tires will be in Chamonix with VIP guests to watch the action as an integral partner of the International Federation of Sport Climbing.


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